Lead With Confidence

red and blue hot air balloon floating on air on body of water during night time
Photo by Bess Hamiti on Pexels.com

“To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom” so Socrates was famously thought to have said.

So, who do I have the pleasure of meeting on this page?

How would you describe yourself?

Introduce yourself to me….

Thank you! I can hear some great responses, some very articulate, confident responses.  I can also hear some hesitancy, some responses lacking confidence and some very humble responses.

Over the years, I have had the privilege of working with hundreds of senior managers and leaders.  Some leaders I support do have a strong self-knowledge and understanding and yet others, and sometimes surprisingly, struggle to articulate who they are and what they bring to their role.  This in itself brings the self-doubt and lack of confidence whose corrosive pattern needs to be broken.

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Developing Trust – Lessons From A Robin


I held a robin this week.  In the palm of my hand! It’s true!  Unbelievable, I know, but it happened.  Feel free to spend time with me over a “strategic latte” and I’ll fill you in on the story!

What was so amazing though, was this special little creature trusted me. And it felt great!

Which led me to consider the huge topic of trust….

Interestingly, the origins of the word trust, come from the Nordic word traust which means confidence.

So what is the level of trust like where you work, in your team, your organisation?  Could it be better?

From my experiences over the last 20 years of working with teams and leaders, the presence of trust as one of the key factors to their success, is mentioned time and time again.  High performance rarely happens if the team doesn’t trust its members.

But what if trust isn’t strong, how can it be developed?

Here’s a few thoughts:

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